Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Student Debt

Student debt is unfair.  I think school should be free to a certain extent.  You should not have to pay for school until you decide to obtain a Master's or higher.  Federal student loans started rising drastically in the 1990's it started out at about $1.3 billion and just about 10 years later raised almost three times the amount to about $3 billion.  As our economy changes for the worst so does student debt.  It the economy is doing bad then that means students are not making the money they used to. When the economy falls unemployment rises causing more students to take out more loans to survive in the economy.
What I don't understand is why don't the government look at things the way I do it just seems so logical to me.  If our economy is doing bad educating people makes our economy better.  There are more educated people to make more educated decisions about our economy that will hopefully make it better.  Student Debt really sucks.  I don't have any debt yet, but I am graduating soon and moving on to get my Master's and I know for sure that I will have to get loans if I want to further my education.  I don't mind having to take out loans to ensure that my family has a successful future.  But If I'm successful our economy is successful. Now why don't the government look at things that way?  We have to come up with a better way to deal with student debt.  The way our economy is right now students can't afford anymore debt; I know I sure can't.  If no one in America went to college how advance would our country be? We would no longer be one of the top countries.  We would be like one of those third world countries.  Our government needs to look at student debt from a whole different aspect.